Urticaria rashes are commonly known as hives.

It appear suddenly, triggered by allergens, stress or other underlying health conditions.

In Ayurveda, urticaria is closely associated with sheetapitta, a condition caused by the aggravation of the Vata and Kapha doshas.

It results from an imbalance triggered by external factors like exposure to allergens or internal factors like weak digestion and improper lifestyle.

In sheetapitta Vata and Kapha doshas are aggravated and mixed up with pitta dosha.

It spreads all over the body and lodge in external surface of the body and produce reddish rashes.

Common symptoms inclu de itching, pricking sensation, nausea, vomiting, fever and burning sensation.

Ayurveda focuses on balancing the doshas, eliminating toxins and strengthening the immune system to manage urticaria effectively.

Through a combination of herbal remedies, detoxification therapies and lifestyle modifications, it is possible to achieve long-term relief from this condition.

For best treatment of Urticaria (sheetapitta) consult our doctors at Aagney Ayurveda and Panchkarma Hospital to determine a personalised treatment plan based on your prakriti and severity of the condition.