Ayurved explains about six basic principles of treatment called as upkrama. Amog them first one is langhana upkrama. The word langhana is derived from the word laghu which means light the purpose of langhana upkrama is to make the body very light.

10 Types of langhana that include:

चतुष्प्रकारा संशुद्धिः पिपासा मारुतातपौ|

पाचनान्युपवासश्च व्यायामश्चेति लङ्घनम्|

The four types of shodhana therapies called chatushprakara samsuddhi.

• Thirst — Pipasa

• Wind — Maruta

• Sun — Atapa

• Pachan — Administration of foods & Medicine which helps in Digestion

Upavasa — Fasting

Vyayama — Physical exercise

Upavasa (Fasting) is one of the type of langhana upkrama:

When Doshas are mildly Vitiated in nature, they can be treated by the control of hunger (fasting) note that under normal circumstances hunger should not be suppressed. We should eat whenever there is hunger but chronic disease stage suppression of this is advocated to balance the doshas.

How do we know that fasting going properly?

– When underlying symptoms can appear then our fasting going properly, we can know.

वात मूत्र पुरीषाणां विसर्गे गात्र लाघवे ।

हृदय उद्गार कण्ठ आस्य शुद्धौ तन्द्रा क्लमे गते ॥

स्वेदे जाते रुचौ चैव क्षुत् पिपास सह उदये ।

कृतं लङ्गनं आदेश्यं निर्व्यथे च अन्तरात्मनि ॥

– Vata mutra purush visarge proper excretion of flatus, feces, urine

– langhana — lightness of the body.

– Hradya shuddhi — Feeling of purity in heart.

– Udagara shuddhi — Feeling of Purity in excretion.

Kantha shuddhi — feeling clarity in the throat.

Lact of tandra & klama (excretion) & (Drowsiness)

Appearance of sweat & appreciation of taste for food, hunger, thirst and contentment.

for more information & Proper consultation contact: –

DR. Milan Prajapati

(M.D. Aryuved)

