Acidity Ayurvedic Treatment
Acidity is related to heartburn and gas formation in stomach. In acidity, acid reflux or Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), or more commonly known as ‘Urdhvag Amalpitta’ in ayurveda, there is a movement of gastric juices ( acid in nature) from the stomach into the lower part of esophagus.
Ayurveda considers it to be caused by the aggravation of Pitta dosha. When Kapha is associated with this aggravated Pitta, the Acid starts climbing the oesophagus. This is exactly the hyperacidity for most of us and is translated widely as- Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Acid Brash etc.

Excess production of acids in stomach is termed as the hyperacidity. There are varieties of reasons which cause excess acid production. The most important among these are:
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