Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss
As per the experts from the Best weight loss Treatment in Ahmedabad, Obesity is a condition in which individual is significantly overweight. Excessive body fat is accumulated on the belly, buttocks, breasts and thighs. Also, many Weight loss ayurvedic treatment in Ahmedabad support that this may lead to diabetes, hypertension and arthritis.

The Best Weight Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad believes that mainly due to absence of physical activity. Other causes may be sleeping during the day, intake of Kapha – increasing foods (heavy, sweet, cooling and unctuous food in excess). Over intake of food. Heredity and Pathology are rare causes.
As an expert Weight loss ayurvedic treatment in Ahmedabad, Body is made of 7- Dhatus {Rasa (Lymph), Rakta(Blood), Maans (Muscle), Meda( Fat), Asthi (Bones), Majja (Nervous System) Shukra (Reproductive System)}. But in Obese fellow Meda is excessively nourished and remaining other Dhatus get malnourished. Kapha gets accumulated in between. Roll of medicines with dietary correction is to remove obstructed Kapha and let allDhatus nourish equally. When Kapha increases in abnormal fashion, Fat metabolism gets hampered and person be comes Obese.
We at Aagyarth Ayurved provide you with the best ayurvedic medicine for weight loss in Ahmedabad.
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Modern life style can be complicated. Simplify it by adopting Ayurveda, the most ancient way of living a healthy life. Meet experts at Aagyarth for your healthy and happy tomorrow.