The common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by different viruses.
As per Ayurveda, the common cold is known as pratishyay.
Pratishyay is caused by the aggravation of kapha and vat dosh.
Cold has symptoms like:
- Runny nose, irritating nose eyes and throat
- Continuous heavy sneezing
- Tears in eyes
- Fever
Causes of cold are mandagni, kapha- vat vriddhi rutuviparyay, allergens like dust, and virudhha aahar.
In Ayurveda 1st line of treatment of cold in nidan parivarjan.
Relieve ama and balance tridosha, changes in diet and lifestyle,
Herbal medicine , vaman and nasya panchkarma
Ayurved focuses on balancing g dosha and improving the immune system.
For the best treatment of a cold consult our doctors at any Ayurved panchkarma hospital to determine a personalized treatment plan based on your Prakriti and severity of the condition.