Skin is an outer protective layer of the body.
People are often too conscious about their looks, and a charming look comes from glowing and healthy skin. and it also leads to increase confidence. And ultimately improves all your activities.
Unhealthy skin leads to many diseases, mainly two factors responsible for unhealthy skin:
- Inappropriate diet
- Inappropriate lifestyle
which produces an imbalance in Tridosha of the body ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha) And Sapta Dhatu (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra)
Prime dosha involved in skin diseases is Pitta and Dhatu is Rakta.
Vitiated dosha accumulate in the skin and produce various diseases.
Dosh which is primarily involved in various skin disorders, creat its own effects on the body.
VATA: Dryness, Roughness in skin
PITTA: Burning sensation, Redness, Pus formation
KAPHA: Itching, Whitish discoloration of the skin
Treatment for all skin diseases is Samshodhan.
VAMAN: for KAPHA Dosha
RAKTAMOKSHANA: for local Vitiated Dosha
पक्षात् पक्षात् छर्दनान्यभ्युपेयाद् | मासात् मासात् स्रन्सनं चापि देयम् |
स्राव्यं रक्तं वत्सरे हि द्विरल्पं | नस्यं दध्याच्च त्रिरात्रात्, त्रिरात्रात् |
NASYA: In every 3 days
VAMAN: Every 15 days
RAKTA MOKSHAN: Every 6 months
Apart from this, SHAMAN AUSHADHI is also useful.
KUSTHANASHAK GANA: Nyagrodhadi gana, Aaragvadhadi gana, Shalasaradi gana.
Aushadi made from this gana is effective in skin disorders.
Are external applications useful in skin disorders?
For external applications, Ayurveda has separate references.
External applications.. ointments, oil, cream, face packs, serum, and face masks are only useful when your internal body is clean.
Otherwise, it gives temporary relief, after some period of time it will reoccur.