Ayurveda is the ancient science of life, which clearly describes a healthy lifestyle and the management of disorders.
Due to diet-lifestyle factors and changes in the environment, a lot of toxins get accumulated in the body, which later on turn into disease.
Ayurved offers therapies for the detoxification of the toxins of the body, which are known as Panchkarma.
Vasantik vaman is the preventive measure of panchkarma, which is recommended with high emphasis to eliminate kapha dosha and thus prevent the diseases throughout the year.
In Vasant Ritu, the sun rays become strong and there is warmth in the weather. As the ice starts melting due to the increase in warmth in the weather, in the same way, the accumulated kapha in the body due to winter starts melting, some imbalance may get symptoms like cough, cold, indigestion, heaviness, etc.
Due to this reason, vaman karma has been done in vasant ritu known as Vasantik vaman.
For more information
Dr.Milan Prajapati
Aagyarth Ayurved panchkarma hospital
Contact: 9724575599
All mediclaim facilities are available.