Karna – Ears & Purana – to fill.
- The procedure of dropping the medicated oil into the ears is known as Karnapurana.
- The therapy involves gently filling the ears with warm medicated herbal oil (usually from 4-10 drops) until the ear canal is filled with the oil.
- This procedure is performed in patients suffering from different diseases of the ear & head for local action.
- The ear is a local route of drug administration and the drug administered is absorbed through the mucus membrane of the ear thus this procedure has immediate therapeutic effects.
- The procedure of Karnapurana includes Abhyang (massage) and Svedana around the ears.
- Followed by dropping of medicated oil.
Procedure time – 15 to 20 Minutes
Benefits & Indication
- Gives Spontaneous relief to ear pain.
- Ringing in the ear (Tinnitus)
- Useful in stiffness of the sides of the neck.
- Effective in painful & stiff mandible.
- Effective in headache.
- Useful in Insomnia (Sleeping Difficulty)
- Protect ear from damage & hence person does not develop deafness easily.
- Cleans the ear canal, dislodges impurities, and improves the functions of the ear.