Obesity Management Program
Battle of the bulge.
Unhealthy food is the bane of modern day life. That coupled with a sedentary life that is so common nowadays adds to the accumulation of fat and the accompanying illnesses that come with it. Weight loss is the only way out. What happens if the condition is neglected is that it manifests in the form of hypertension, diabetes, poor self esteem, osteoporosis and so much more. At AABC, you will go through a specific treatment to ensure that the excess fat is reduced and the metabolism is corrected. The body channels get cleared with our therapies and you will get a renewed boost of energy. For weight loss we have specific treatment with a deep dry massage using herbal powders and pastes. We will also give synchronized massage with specific oils and steam bath which will help loosen the accumulated fat. This along with a specially designed diet and regular walking will help reduce weight.
Our Weight loss treatment packages are designed to give an individual total well being. Our combination of therapies, treatments, medicines and counseling will keep you motivated throughout the course of treatment. Here you will get the solution for life time if you follow certain lifestyle and disciplines.
Benefits of Obesity Management Program

Obesity Management Program Includes
Detailed lifestyle consultation, dietary & exercise consultation
Panchkarma for detoxification & metabolism improvisation
Medicines charges
For 1 month