Stress Management Program
Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations and demands. For many people, stress is so common, that it has become a way of life. Stress can influence how you feel, think, behave and how your body functions. In fact, stress can create a variety of symptoms including anxiety, fatigue, eating disorders, depression, headaches, difficulty in concentrating and increased anger and relationship troubles. Stress is not an illness in itself, but it can cause serious illness.
According to Ayurveda, our inability to deal with stress is due to an imbalance, or lack of coordination of the 3 main mental functions: Dhi (learning), Dhriti (retention) and Smriti (long-term memory), and a lack of Ojas energy in the body.
At Aagyarth Ayurved Cure Centre, the Stress Management Program is aimed at relieving the stress accumulated over the years, and increasing the body’s level of Ojas by achieving proper hormonal balance and reinforcing mental potency to better cope with stress in the future.
People dealing with the following issues: insomnia, lack of concentration, anxiety, bad temper, obsessive eating and drinking or lack of appetite, low energy level, poor digestion, constipation, sexual disorders, chain-smoking or heavy drinking. This program is also recommended for anyone who wants to experience peace of mind. Ayurveda diet and medicine supplements are given to counteract the stress releasing chemicals.
Panchkarma techniques are found to be very useful in treatment of stress related problems. Panchakarma therapy is a procedure which finds the cause of the problem and corrects it by balancing the doshas of the body.
Benefits of Stress Management Program

Stress Management Program Includes
Detailed psychological consultation, dietary & relaxation exercise consultation
Whole body abhyang (massage)
7 sessions
Whole body steam therapy
3 sessions
Shirodhara therapy
7 seatings
Nasya therapy
7 sessions
Sarvang svedan
7 seatings
For 1 month